I want to share that with you

When I asked for a transfer I was picked up by one of the area managers. The only guy in the department, all surrounded by women...

Hi, I want to share that with you, this is something I cherish. 

(…) When I asked for a transfer I was picked up by one of the area managers. The only guy in the department, all surrounded by women. He used to say women are efficient though he wasn ‘t very successful with them most of the time. 

Work began and everything went well. We made a work trip to Tunisia where he showed interest in me. He was still married but separated some months later. He was 45 at the time, I was 22. I wasn’t interested in him though and I feared this might jeopardize my job; it didn’t. Nevertheless, he was around. 

Later on, he found out I had started something with a designer. He cautioned me against him, in fact he was extremely, extremely promiscuous (but he was also obsessed with control and was the son of the doctor, and mostly careful) and was doing cocaine at the time (I tried once, never again). Nothing I didn’t already know, but I had a crush on him… Daniel, the designer,  was 10 years older than me. He  had split some time ago with a girl he wanted to have a child with, however he wasn’t willing  to marry and she did want to. I remember he told me they had been together for one year, during this year “I was a good guy”, he said (I didn’t sleep with other women, he meant). I think he didn’t either while with me, in fact everybody around would have been very happy to let me know. But, yes, in the time between the 2 of us he was a real player. He told me he had once met three girls in different hotel rooms in a lapse of forty minutes and fucked them one after the other (most women are gold diggers, he said). We moved in together several months later. He was hyperactive, used to being awake and moving till 4 am as a routine, he needed that.  He slept until 1pm and then arrived at the agency, just normal. I used to push clothes and all kinds of stuff with my shoe as I came into the apartment. I had my own food, my own schedule, my own life. We didn’t have a routine, we just met. It was fun. 

We lived together for two years. Then his drinking and substance abuse worsened (he had quit before). Sudden bursts of anger also became a common occurrence. In the end, I left him, he spent the following  years destroying his life and burning through his savings. He managed to bounce back but this lifestyle always takes a toll. 

David was just happy we broke up. Things stayed like this for some time. Nothing important during that time related to this story. Daniel was separated at the time (with 3 children) and living half the time  on his own or with his children more or less every 15 or 30 days. We worked together and were very close, but I started to look at him in a different way, I had matured I guess. Whenever we were together I saw him with different eyes: his arms, his brown eyes, his mouth, all somehow seemed new.  Then I decided to lower my guards. Daniel was gorgeous, tall, but David was a short man, with some belly. Well dressed with an air of class, but I used to say that he looked like a friendly italian baker. One Friday afternoon while working in his living room (it was a frequent place for work and meetings for all the department) he expressed he had had strong feelings for me for quite some time. I knew. At the time I felt like playing a bit with him. I said, well, David… You know… you are like a father to me.. He looked at the floor with sadness. I enjoyed that moment, just some 10 or 15 seconds. He turned his head to the window, looking outside over the desk. I remember his hands on his legs, his veins swelled. I pushed my chair close to him, I took his head in my hands to comfort him in his disappointment. When my face was next to his I kissed him. I sat on his legs.. After that we made our way upstairs. 

This was the man I lived with for 3 years before I lost myself. He died last year. 

When Daniel recovered I went to see him a few times. He was doing well, working, but looked 15 years older. Years of drinking and drugs abuse had caught up to him.  One of these afternoons we fucked. Some days later I plainly told David what happened. He looked at me very seriously, said almost nothing for a week, then he started to talk a bit but kept sleeping in another room. After that, one morning he asked me “¿do you think it will happen again?” I said “no. You care about it.  It won’t.”

We had occasionally  spoken in a funny tone about threesomes. Never very seriously. Nevertheless I had told him I fantasized about being with both of them, Daniel and David at a time. After “the incident”, David and I were in bed. He suggested that he was willing to do it. I waited a few days to let him change his mind. He didn’ and said “go on”.

I spoke to Daniel. He was caught off guard. David wasn’t exactly one of his friends. He took his time to think about it too, and said yes. 

The appointment was in our bedroom, one friday afternoon. We spoke for a bit in the living room with a couple of drinks. I thought I was supposed to be the first to get ready and went upstairs. They still spoke for a few minutes. I was strolling in the bedroom, in my gown.  What I was wearing underneath doesn’t matter (I remember what I was wearing, or not wearing maybe, but I leave it to your imagination). David went upstairs then, of course. He looked nervous and really stiff. I started speaking to him about something, to relax. Daniel arrived then. Everything was on now.

I took off my gown, and sat on the bed. Then I realized I didn’t know what to do. Daniel tried to help, he was really experienced in that,  and sat by my side and just started to chat and laugh, as if we were in the kitchen, and started to undress, slowly and carelessly, dropping everything on the floor. David then started to undress and hung everything on the clothes butler, carefully. 

David sat on the bed, we were at his back. It was urgent to start something, and there was a hierarchy there to be respected. I made him turn and sit by my side, and I started to kiss him. We laid kissing, Daniel remained next to us. David and I continued, when he had almost taken his place between my legs, Daniel got closer to my back and started to stroke and kiss me, yes, he was respecting the hierarchy, this was necessary at least at the beginning. Straight after Daniel entered me. Both were very good performers and very active, and the three of us enjoyed sex a lot. Daniel was hyperactive and excessive in everything, of course. 

David looked relaxed, and watched without being annoyed. 

After that, we spoke in bed, Daniel went downstairs for some drinks (alcohol of course), just like being at home. In the second round he knew he was allowed to lead the way.  David just watched, drinking and so on. 

During the afternoon we rolled in the sheets, two of us, and the three of us at a time, not knowing what was ahead, one hand appeared and grabbed my breasts.. I turned as I pleased, kissing on one side on the other without a problem, and decided at the last minute when and how I was going to open my legs, sometimes it was a mouth…sometimes…

We turned, rolled, drunk and laughed. We fucked two at a time, or the three of us like swift workers, we fucked with love, and we just fucked. 

It was amazing for me to have them both, to have one at the front and the other on my back. I’ve read things about what a woman feels when she is entered by a man, by a man she loves. It would take me some time to explain. It was absolutely amazing for me to be with both of them at the same time. 

We made two other repeats after that.

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